ART+COMMUNITY: Leveraging Art to Reimagine a Just World
Saturday, May 3, noon to 5pm
A symposium bringing together writers, artists, and the community for discussions and a day of connection.
Panelists include Ken Grossinger, author of “Art Works, How Organizers and Artists are Creating a Better World Together,” painters Lisa Gentry and Chinedu Felix Osuchukwu, photographers Alexandra Silverthorne, Karen Ruckman and Bernard Seaborn.
Come early for coffee and conversation
12 noon: Ken Grossinger in conversation about his book, “Art Works, How Organizers are creating a better World Together”
12:30pm: Artist activists in conversation with Ken Grossinger about their work
1pm: Book signing by author Ken Grossinger
2pm: Lisa Gentry discusses her paintings and the suppression of the vote
3pm: Chinedu Felix Osuchukwu shares his work as an educator, painter and arts commissioner
4pm: Alexandra Silverthorne in conversation with Bernard Seaborn and Karen Ruckman about the challenges and rewards of carceral image making
ART+COMMUNITY is funded by a grant to Karen Ruckman from the DC Commission on the Arts and Humanities and hosted by the Jackson Art Center, Friends of Jackson.